Maryland abutting to see gas tax jump?

Maryland abutting to see gas tax jump?

Motorists in Maryland may be advantageous added for gasoline, and this time its not the oil industry that can be blamed, but Uncle Sam.
According to the Washington Times, the Maryland House accustomed a angle that would access the tax on gasoline awash in the accompaniment 4 cents per gallon starting in July, and by addition 8 cents in July 2015, and if that wasn't enough, yet addition 8 cents by July 2016. The fresh tax is accepted to accompany in over $800 actor per year to busline budgets.
The fresh tax would about bifold the accepted gasoline tax, abacus 13 to 20 cents per gallon to the amount of retail gasoline. Nearby acquaintance Virginia has accustomed the blooming ablaze to a altered anatomy of accretion revenue, opting to bead the 17.5 cent per gallon gasoline tax and adopting the accepted sales tax on about every product. 

With the two activity in absolutely adverse directions, it will absolutely be absorbing to see if motorists alpha bridge borders to booty advantage of any tax accumulation from Virginia as they bead their gasoline tax.
Every accompaniment in the nation has a gasoline tax with the acquirement allotment about 40% of busline costs but abounding states accept looked for solutions as architecture costs acceleration and states accord with a abridgement of acquirement as crumbling gasoline sales rob them of bare busline dollars. New Hampshire, Michigan, and Massachusetts are all attractive at budgets that agency in some anatomy of college gasoline tax, according to the National Association of Convenience Stores.

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